Services and Guidelines for Guests
At Wall’s, we strive to treat our guests with the warmth and friendliness that is Haiti. Breakfast and dinner are included in your daily rate. Breakfast is served from 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. and dinner is served from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Other arrangements can be made if The Manager is notified in advance. A Guidelines for Guests is available upon arrival to help with your stay while in Haiti.

Laundry Service and Bathroom Tips
Laundry service is available for a small fee of $5/small plastic grocery-size bag. As we try to keep laundry to a minimum, bedding is changed weekly. Towels are changed regularly as are bathroom towels and mats.
With the exception of private rooms, shower and bathroom facilities are shared. Towels are provided. Water is a precious resource in Haiti. We ask that you keep your showers short and that you flush only when necessary.
Entertainment and WiFi Usage
The internet is vulnerable so we ask that you DO NOT DOWNLOAD MOVIES OR MUSIC (This includes YouTube). Keeping contact with your family via FACEBOOK and email is acceptable.
At Wall’s, evening entertainment consists of games, reading, and friendly and stimulating conversation
with other guests. We encourage you to bring your favorite books and games for entertainment. A small library of books is available. These books are the property of the guesthouse. DO NOT TAKE BOOKS HOME WITH YOU.
Visitors and Security
Wall’s is in a walled compound and contracts with a security firm for 24-hour armed security to ensure the safety for all our guests. All visitors must have a Visitor Card and register with Security Guard upon entering the compound.
If you wish a safe place for your cash, documents or valuables, the Guest House has a safe. Please speak to The Manager.